Sterling Silver
Naja Charms
"Naja" is the name the Navajo gave to the inverted crescent at the center of Squash Blossom necklaces and is a distinct Southwestern jewelry design. But the Naja has a rich history and variations of this design are found in many cultures around the world. The Naja originated in the Middle Ages, when the Moors adopted the symbol as a bridle ornament. They believed that the inverted crescent would protect both themselves and their horses from the “evil eye.” The design and its symbolism as a protective talisman travelled with the Spaniards to South and Central America, and then north to the indigenous people living in what is now New Mexico and Arizona. The Moors taught the Spanish, who taught the Mexicans, who then taught the Navajo. This symbolic design and all its variations are still used and honored today!